Wildehundekloof Private Reserve
Wildehondekloof Western Cape Lodge was bought in 1996 as a barren farm without any fencing, roads or infrastructure. The construction of the facilities and managers quarters commenced in 2002 and simultaneously the idea of constructing the lodge utilizing the existing building was born. During construction of this Oudtshoorn lodge it became clear that the current building would not suffice and the planning of the current Oudtshoorn Wildehondekloof Lodge started, which resulted in the magnificent 9 luxurious en –suites rooms. The lodge became a landmark with nature lovers, both from South Africa and abroad.
In 2005, a breeding herd of seven Eland were purchased, as the first introduced animals delivered to Wildehondekloof. The new Eland complimented the existing animals, consisting of Vaalribbok, Klipspringer, duiker, grysbok, Kudu, porcupine, honey badger, baboons, leopard, jackals and caracal. Since then more Eland, Kudu, Gemsbok, Red Hartebeest, Blue Wildebeest, Black Wildebeest , Nyala, Zebra, Blesbok, Impala and Springbok have been introduced.

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